.more words than i had ever heard.

.more words than i had ever heard.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Everything is a mess and you can still be happy.

When I thought everything goes well; well it's not.

When I hope everything is fine; it's beyond the line.

So I'm vice-versing everything, and it becomes;

When everything is not well, I'm going to think that it all goes well.

When everything seems beyond the line, I know everything is still fine.

Things will not be okay if you are being too selfish. Selfish is a MUST in oneself, but if you are living with 'twoselves, threeselves, fourselves, etc' I think you need to re-consider. Selling fish isn't a good sign of happyness. Yup, that is not a typo error! I purposely spelled HAPPYness.

I am happy.
I am having a good life surrounded with good people.
I am having the best time of my life.
I am what I had imagine I would become.
Am I???

A step-by-step guide on How to Be Happy.

1. Look At Your Life: Does Your Lifestyle Make You Happy?

2. Look At Your Attitude: Do Your Thoughts Make You Happy?

3. Set The Right Goals for Happiness

4. Work Toward Your Goals The Smart Way

Good Luck and Happy Trying to be Happy.

These are some pictures that could motivate you to be happy.

Even if you are fruits, you have the right to be happy.

Even if you are fingers, be happy!

Be happy eventhough it might annoyed people.

Celebrate happiness.

Even cat knows how to smile.

Why choose tears over laughs and loves?

1 comment:

anwar777 said...

gigit hidong kucing!